Medina Engineering is committed to providing premium products and manufacturing solutions that fulfil the needs of our customers. To deliver on this, we utilise specialised high-tech machinery which allows us to strengthen our expertise and capabilities which include:
We also have the skills and flexibility to work with all types of materials, including:
Below is a detailed list of Medina Engineering’s technology, equipment and facilities.
660 Diameter x 1.5m long
2700h x 1300 x 6000 long
Vertical 4th Axis Rotary Table Ø1600 (8T Cap) Horizontal 4th Axis Ø400 x 6000
3500 x 2500 (10T Cap)
4th Axis Rotary Table Ø1800 x 2200
2000 x 1500 (6.5T Cap)
Continuous Rotary Table Ø1600×1400 Deep hole drilling up to 800mm
X-4000 Y-2500 Z-1600 (15T Cap)
*** NEW coming in MARCH 2023
X- 1050mm Y-900 Z-600mm (1.5T Cap)
*** NEW 2022 Dynamic Machining Centre Rotary Table Ø900 x 750
3000 x 1500 (5T Cap)
4th Axis Rotary Table Ø1600×1400
1500 x 800 x 780
4th Axis Rotary Table Ø350
X-1100 Y-560 Z-520 mm
*** NEW 2022 High Performance, High Precision
1000 x 500 x 500
Ø 950 x 3.5m (3T Capacity)
Boring up to 800 Deep
Steady up to Ø760
Ø 1350 x 950 (3T Capacity)
Ø 366 x 705
Y-Axis plus bar feeder
Ø 2800 x 6000
10T Capacity
Ø 1750 x 3000
Ø 900 x 4000
Fiber Laser Welding is a welding technology used to create a strong joint between several metal components with fiber laser. Fiber laser produces a beam of high-intensity that is concentrated into one spot. This concentrated heat source enables fine, deep welding with high welding speed
Up to 168 Tonnes.
PORTABLE, we can come to you for in-situ stress relieving. Workpieces are subjected to low frequency vibrations for a short period of time either during welding or after welding and at various times during machining to promote dimensional stability
to Ø 360
Height under hook 11m