Medina Values & Policies
Safety: We are committed to creating and maintaining a safe working environment and strive to achieve an accident-free workplace. [Read more…]
Quality: We set exacting standards and strive for consistency and precision in everything we do. We are committed to continuously improving our capabilities. [Read more…]
Integrity: We take individual and collective responsibility for keeping our promises, acting ethically and demonstrating exemplary business conduct at all times because it is the right thing to do. [Read more…]
Respect: We succeed by creating trusted and enduring relationships with our customer, colleagues and communities to achieve our mutual goals. [Read more…]
Excellence: We passionately strive to exceed the expectations of our customers and colleagues and win in the marketplace. [Read more…]
Environment: We are resolute in our commitment to minimise the adverse impact of our operations & services on the environment [Read more…]
WHS Policy
Medina Engineering is committed to, the health, safety and welfare of its employees and anyone else that may be affected through its organisational activities. We recognise that the health, safety and wellbeing of workers are critical to our success and continued good reputation.
Our safety objectives include:
a. Compliance with
1. AS/NZS 4801 Occupational Health and Safety Systems,
2. All relevant statutory and regulatory requirements and codes of practice,
b. Ensuring safety and risk management procedures are available and adhered to,
c. Promoting open, honest, effective and timely safety communication, consultation and coordination with stakeholders (including employees and any other party involved in or affected by Medina Engineering’s activities),
d. Providing ongoing safety education and training to all of our employees,
e. Confirming all employees are competent and sufficiently knowledgeable to perform their duties in a safe and productive manner,
f. Ensuring incidents are reported investigated and reviewed by management with a view to preventing recurrence,
g. Providing adequate resources to ensure work health safety is a central part of the organisation,
h. Ensuring effective injury management and rehabilitation is provided to employees,
i. Establishing measurable objectives and targets to ensure continued improvement aimed at elimination of work-related injury and illness, and
j. Continually improving the safety system
Quality Policy
We are a dedicated team of professionals who are committed to:
a) Providing bespoke, specialised precision machining and metal fabrication services,
b) Compliance with applicable legislative and regulatory requirements, and
c) Maintaining the highest possible ethical and business standards.
Our quality aims are to:
a) Implement and maintain a Quality Management System based on AS/NZS ISO 9001:2015,
b) Ensure employees have the necessary competencies and training for them to perform their assigned tasks safely and competently,
c) Manufacture products to designs and in accordance with client requirements and expectations,
d) Invest in and develop employees, encouraging personnel retention and corporate teamwork to meet the challenges of our marketplace,
e) Thoroughly plan, schedule and manage work in accordance with approved processes and procedures and to maximise the output of our machines, and
f) Periodically review the effectiveness of the Quality aspects of the Integrated Management System in terms of achieving the above objectives and continual improvement.
All Medina employees are:
a) Responsible for the communication, enthusiastic promotion and implementation of this policy, and
b) Accountable for the achievement of quality outcomes in accordance with this policy.
This policy will be communicated to employees at induction and be on display at the reception area of Medina office for the information of interested parties (including clients and members of the public).
Ethics Policy
Maintaining our company’s integrity while conducting business is vital. We believe that meaningful change can only occur when we adhere to our moral tenets in all that we do. Our Ethics Values statement below guides us in our daily actions.
Medina Eng is committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct and we care about being good citizens. Conducting business with honesty and integrity helps us to push our partnerships forward, improve relationships, go further, and create win-wins with our employees, customers, and suppliers. We abide by the rules of our state and country, and we take responsibility for our actions as a company.
The long-term success of Medina Eng depends upon the commitment, expertise, and motivation of every employee. We appreciate and support diversity and solidarity in our team. Medina Eng pledges to provide fair wages and a great place to work. Through improving the lives of our employees, we simultaneously improve connections with our partners, customers, and business relationships.
We know that the quality of our work is integral to maintaining our customers’ trust. Medina Eng strives to excel in every facet of our business, facing every challenge with an eye for success. We believe these actions benefit our company and those we serve.
We are proudly members of:
Environmental Policy
Medina Engineering is aware of our impact on the environment around us. The activities of our company and our supply chain can have effects on the rivers, wildlife, bushlands, and people in our communities. To this end, we are committed to environmental responsibility and stewardship, and have made this part of our mission and core values.
These are our values in support of our environment:
- We will work to meet or exceed applicable environmental regulations and prevent pollution.
- We will be a good neighbour to our neighbours and member of our community as a whole.
- We will promote recycling and continually work to minimize our operating waste.
- We will extend this policy to our supply chain and will actively work with them to achieve our environmental goals.
- We will set goals and objectives to be reached as we improve environmental awareness and responsibility.